Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Blogging Against Evil - INDC Journal 


September 15, 2004
Hey Oliver
The CNN segment in question wasn't about the memos, it was about how internet skeptics broke the story that the memos were forgeries. If you consider the fact that the left-wing bloggers were still defending the memos with amateur and ludicrous typeface analysis, while some of us had already contacted nationally-renowned forensics experts, then you may understand why the skeptics, no matter what their political ideology, were featured in a story about the investigation over documents that are now surely forgeries. They weren't chosen because they were righties, they were chosen because they were right.

And no, it's not "the charges, stupid," it's the fact that a highly trusted media organization passed off fake documents in order to make those charges. Close your eyes, count to ten, breathe deeply, and try to focus your mind on what your reaction might be if John Kerry was accused of disobeying a direct order while in the military, based on fake documents. Now root around a little deeper into the recesses of your reptilian brain and imagine that these charges were true to one degree or another. Now tell me: how you would feel about what the media organization did with those obviously fake documents? Wouldn't it be important? Can you grasp the implications for the well-being of the press and the function of our society as a whole, and how it could be a separate issue that's more important than John Kerry or George Bush?

(Oliver squints, shakes his head and quietly whipsers, "Chimpy McShrubben Bushitler. Halli-halli-halliburton.")

Nevermind, of course you can't. ...


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