Thursday, March 23, 2006

jibber jabber stats google search adsense paranoia 

I read somewhere never look at your webiste stats. You will spend all day there.

* Remember Mr. T? Stop the ibber jabber fool. I used to have some great sites on Mr. T. parodies. > to do

* Blogger need categories or I need to make a table of contents.

* Okay I did the I am not a s.pammer thing. This adsense thing is making me a little paranoid. I don't want to be stalked by some hacker because I popped up in the engines. Bloggers got a business to run so I will go with it. Great blog service.

* Here is what they write

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Blogger's spam-prevention robots have detected that your blog has characteristics of a spam blog. (What's a spam blog?) Since you're an actual person reading this, your blog is probably not a spam blog. Automated spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and we sincerely apologize for this false positive.

Before we can turn off mandatory word verification on your posts we'll need to have a human review your blog and verify that it is not a spam blog. Please fill out the form below to get a review.

Find out more about how Blogger is fighting spam blogs.

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* Did I write about Richard Rainwater? Was he the peak oil guy? What is a technorati?

http://technorati.com/search/richard%20rainwater I think I am going to add that google serach your site thing.

* Was i drinking? "pebble beach golf tips" here pebble beach golf tips I have never played pebble beach but my site is certainly more interesting than the guestbook above it. Hmm i will have to go play and post some local tips. light bulb~!

* My last DMOZ whine. I saw them in that stats and I guess an editor was removing me from the their to list. I applied for weblogs personal three years ago. rolls eyes

Well here is a personal weblog in dmoz where I applied http://www.damnhellasskings.com/ I don't think a comment is needed.

* Msn job descriptions > job definitions smile

* "yankee fire" investigation Is homeland security stalking me? I would like to write more but now I am not so sure Is that a black helicopter?

* Speaking of fans of aviation someone came here from here lockheed-p-38 Lightning rocked I would like to see a P-38 fly. Should I turn on comments?

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