What is it with our compulsion to smell things? In the 60s, there was Smell-O-Vision. In the 80s, scratch-and-sniff stickers were all the rage. In the 90s, Japanese aromatherapy took off. Well, it looks like the next aromatic fad could be the addition of scent to webpages. What's that you say? Smelling webpages? This is a joke, right? Nope... there's now iSmell. This is a a funky device (a "personal scent synthesizer") that connects to your computer and emits odors. The hope is to develop "snortals"... sites that function like your typical websites, but incorporate smell.
Friend sent me this from some ezine.
Don't go there with the naughty stuff G.
Friend sent me this from some ezine.
Don't go there with the naughty stuff G.