Wednesday, September 15, 2004

cbs phone numbers emails fax number 

thanks http://www.indcjournal.com/

It's Time
Remember, be POLITE and KEEP IT VERY SHORT. And to those of you that are righties, no deranged ranting about the Democrats or Kerry, or they won't listen to you.

CBS Email Addresses and Phone Numbers

CBS Evening News
212 975-3691 and 202 457-4385
fax 212 975-1893
fax 212-975-1998

CBS News
524 West 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
Evening News is same address, Studio 47

Executive Producer: Jim Murphy
Senior Producers: Susan Bean, Ingrid Matthews

Dan Rather
212 975-3691

Senior Broadcast Producer: Lynne Pitts
212 975-2258

60 Minutes II
212 975-6200
fax 212 975-9353
Executive Producer Jeffrey Fager

555 West 57th St
New York, NY 10019-2985

CBS Administration:
CEO of CBS: Mel Karmazin 212 975-4321

President CBS Television: Leslie Moonves 323 575-2345

CBS News President: Andrew Heyward 212 975-7825, ajh@cbsnews.com

Senior VP Marcy McGinnis 212 975-5007, mam@cbs.com

UPDATE: Your local affiliates may be the way to go in addition to this; they're much more sensitive to the opinions of their viewers.


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