Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Vietnam Vet: I Lied About Atrocities 

fox news rocks

Vietnam Vet: I Lied About Atrocities

Wednesday, September 15, 2004•'Fortunate Son' Angle Employed in Bush Bash•Rove: Kerry Tarnished Service of Vietnam Vets •Cheney: No Comment on Kerry Service •Vietnam Attacks Put Kerry in 'Fighting Mood' •Admiral: Kerry Wounded Himself in Vietnam•'Unfit for Command' Takes Aim at Kerry

WASHINGTON — A veteran who testified to John Kerry (search) about atrocities he committed in the Vietnam War (search) is now claiming that the Democratic presidential candidate coerced him to tell tales.

Steven Pitkin, an Army combat veteran, told FOX News that Kerry coached him and others to say they had witnessed war crimes, even after Pitkin told Kerry that he had not.

"Before they started the camera, they told me, 'We need you to speak about the atrocities that happened over there.' The whole company line that I initially came out and said, I was coached to say that over and over again," Pitkin said....


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